Not all company funds are kept in a checking account. At times, an employer may keep a small supply of cash on hand for simple, quick purchases. While having cash available can be convenient, there is the chance that a worker might steal some of the money, gambling...
Month: June 2019
Does heroin use have long-term effects?
Along with short-term risks like overdose and legal trouble, heroin use can also have a long-term impact. This highly addictive substance is capable of changing a person's brain chemistry, which makes overcoming the drug extremely difficult. Very Well...
Young girls alleges Weston man sexually assaulted her
Criminal accusations made by children in Wheeling are rightly treated very seriously by authorities. Yet at the same time, their sources should also be considered before any guilt is assumed. While kids may indeed be capable of correctly identifying criminal activity,...
Which age group has the highest rate of drunk driving?
You may have a certain picture in mind of a typical drunk driver. Perhaps it is an alcoholic repeat offender or a cold-hearted criminal who does not care about others. While these personas definitely exist, they do not capture the most important thing to remember...
Plea bargaining and justice
Most residents in West Virginia have likely heard stories about someone who has been charged with a criminal offense and ended up agreeing to a plea deal instead of opting to allow their case to go to trial. This has become quite a common practice in today's criminal...