If you find yourself facing conspiracy charges, you may be unsure of what exactly that means and what the penalties are. The truth is, a court may charge you with conspiracy, even if no crime occurs. Simply put, a conspiracy charge is appropriate when you conspire...
Types of felonies
According to Nolo, the most serious criminal offence is a felony. Offences may involve some severe threat of harm or physical harm to the victims. Similarly, they may include some offences, such as fraud schemes and white-collar crimes. However, some offences that are...
WV now providing food assistance to convicts
When convicted felons are released from prison, reassimilating into regular American life is one of the toughest challenges they face. The longer they were incarcerated and the more serious the crime, the worse this is. People may shun them and employers may refuse to...
A felony conviction may not always result in jail time
Individuals facing a felony offense charge experience an enormous amount of stress, especially over the amount of jail time they may receive if convicted. When a West Virginia resident forged her deceased mother's handwritten will, she found herself facing...